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KHRL Voices! Kone KDS50 lift at Kogarah Town centre in Kogarah, NSW, Australia
KHRL Voice! EPL (Mod. Kone) Traction lifts at Cornerstone Parking RBWH, Bowen Hills, QLD
Biggest EPIC FAIL! ever on my channel: Mp/Goingup lift at Hermes lounge in Kogarah, NSW, Australia
Beautiful chimes! Otis lifts at 13a Montgomery Street in Kogarah
KONE 21 Persons Lift #Burwood #australia #nsw #kone #keztheosquad #aussielife #burwood #nsw
Australia KONE Lift #konelift #australiakone #keztheosquad #Kone #quitelift #australia #lift
Busy Glass KONE Monospace @ Paradise Centre, Surfers Paradise, QLD, Australia
Hush kit equipped: Kone N MonoSpace MRL Traction elevator at 52 Ada Street, Cardiff
Before Orbitz! Schindler 5500 traction elevator 8 @ Grand Central Shopping Centre, Toowoomba QLD
Schindler 5400 AP MRL Traction Lift (Lift 13) @ David Jones @ Westfield Chermside
Walking Tour from Chatswood Westfield Shopping Centre to the Carpark
Hilton Hotel Brisbane QLD Elevators